Welcome to crestwood media

Crestwood Media is managed by Dana Stancavage, an experienced media and communications strategist offering businesses of all sizes the opportunity to amplify and perfect their message to targeted audiences.

Specializing in custom copy to capture your brand’s unique voice, Crestwood Media writes with industry research and click-worthy keywords in mind. Dana also uses her eight years in the field to provide consulting for press & media opportunities.

My Approach

I began college in 2011 unaware of my love for all things communications and media. In my third year when I made the change from business to studying communication with a minor in journalism, I felt right at home. I quickly fell in love with my writing for public relations and journalism courses. I began writing for our student newspaper publication and felt the thrill of my words appearing in print. I enjoyed coursework in digital media, managing successful campaigns, cross cultural communication and so much more that impacted me after graduation. I headed to Washington, D.C. in 2016 where I went on an immersive trip studying the Middle East with bright minds and strategizing ways to communicate lessons from the field to legislators. I began working on Capitol Hill in January 2017 where I spent four days as an intern to become the full time Staff Assistant for a Member of Congress. A few months later after proving my worth I added the coveted /Legislative Correspondent to my title on the Hill. This is when I finally became a writer for a Member of Congress and since then my world was changed. I learned so much and finally had the chance to write for a legislator and advise on policy issues. More long nights and dedication led to me landing the title of Communications Assistant where I became the D.C. main point of contact for all things communication and media for this Member of Congress.


Dream it and build it

I had a fantastic year as the Communications Assistant where I was in daily contact with reporters, writing endless statements and press releases (some landing on the White House website), securing media hits, and so much more. (Did I mention bowling at the White House?) After that year I went on to fundraise privately for Members of Congress until I got the call to serve at a former President’s Super PAC as the Press Secretary. My biggest role came to light where I blossomed my communications techniques, made connections, produced strong writing and research among other highlights. Later in life I managed communications and marketing efforts for a proactive, expansive nonprofit and leveled up the 501C3’s communications strategy by leveraging existing name recognition, digital advertising, bolstered media efforts, and more.

Understanding how the news cycle works and how to get what you want out of it is something I’m excited to bring to my clients at Crestwood Media. I learned how to write well, work quick under pressure, research topics I knew little of, respond to crisis communications, stay ahead of the news cycle, give a statement on the fly, coordinate pressers, develop content, and so much more.

My philosophy is that hard work triumphs all: no matter what brilliant minds are in the room, I believe a hard worker with good ethic will always stand stronger. At Crestwood Media I am eager to work hard for my clients and bring my years in the industry to service their needs.